Police Honors Old Pakistani Man for Potentially Saving Several Lives In Sharjah

 Sharjah Police has honored an old Pakistani man for his kind act of placing barriers over a road sinkhole, caused by heavy rains, in order to warn vehicles of the potential danger.The Sharjah Police lauded the Pakistani worker in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Abdelaziz Abdelhameed, for selflessly putting up barricades on the hazardous road, a part of which had collapsed recently.

An unknown motorist filmed the noble act of the Pakistani worker and shared it on social media, which became viral immediately and garnered hundreds of praises for the Pakistani worker.Speaking at police headquarters, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Sharjah Police, Brigadier General Abdullah Mubarak bin Amer, lauded Abdelhameed’s compassionate deed and stated that it encouraged positive behavior in society, helped maintain road safety, and saved lives.Deputy Commander-in-Chief further emphasized Sharjah Police’s special attention on recognizing people who go the extra mile for humanity.

Brigadier General Mubarak added that the Pakistani worker erected barriers in a deserted area in Al Sajaa, where a massive sinkhole had appeared due to the accumulation of rainwater.

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